Friday, December 23, 2011

Transformation of a line

First we did a line drawing and used it to cut a design on the lathe

We had to cut styrofoam on the lathe 

Cut it in pieces to see what other shapes we could get

I ended up making prints with the styrofoam

I sewed threw the paper on this one and put metal wire thru the one above and added beads and other paints as well.

Fitted Form Project

These are my molds I made from the gears I cut out of cardboard.

I made some gears out of a metal alloy in addition to the pieces I had made in bronze

I have been looking at books about Steampunk and used things from the book to influence my design

We had to incorporate another material with the bronze.  So I made a wood box and did drawings and writings.

I wanted to make a cyborg queen.  I used Queen Elizabeth I as a reference. 

I used Queen Elizabeth's writing and quotes as the writings on the papers.

Basically all of the metal pieces started out of a shape I made out of cardboard.